Destroying the planet with wind power

It’s time to use a horrible font and be honest about the lying, evil wind industry. 

Number one: NEVER say to me “the wind always blows in Wyoming”. I will slap you to outer space like the moron you obviously are. The wind has not blown over 10 mph for 90% of the summer and it’s over 90 degrees much of the time. 

Number two: I hope you freaking wind lovers died of heat stroke and/or starvation because your refrigerator and air conditioner died. If you weren’t all nothing but crappy liars, you would have. Since NOT ONE OF YOU LIVES USING WIND, BUT INSTEAD, THE GRID, sadly you continue to survive. What horrible, evil creatures you are. The same goes for the corporations that LIE about using wind (though admittedly they lie about everything and worship hatred and want people dead except enough to serve as slaves). Hell is going to be very, very crowded with people like you.

Number three: You wind lovers are environmental KILLERS, haters of the planet, hoping to cause as much damage and death as you can. Not in your backyard. Of course not. Liars never want their lies close to home. You kill the black and brown people you claim to love, and poison the planet with radioactive materials for your giant batteries, dig huge mines and destroy third world countries, all you can possibly do to kill the human race. You are vile and evil. There is no other term.

Number four: Henceforth, you will be referred to as hateful, planet-killing monsters that care only for yourselves. It is pointless to preach rationally to insane, greedy scum. You care nothing except for yourselves. 

Number five: My contempt for you knows no bounds nor will it ever have bounds. People who hate humanity and destroy the planet deserve only contempt.

(I cannot fix anything on this post because that useless piece of garbage WordPress will not let me. I HATE WordPress.)


Destroy the Earth Day

Earth Day: The day greedy, horrible gold rush wind people destroy the planet while claiming to give a damn. They do not. They want money. MONEY. That’s all. Those 70 who died in Texas due to poor electrical planning did not cost the greedy ones a dime, so cares???? If the earth dies, it will be the greedy, horrible people who wanted only MONEY and destroyed the condors, the desert tortoise, the gila monster, several species of raptors and uncounted hundreds of species no one is allowed to speak of. Earth Day means: PILLAGE, PLUNDER, RAPE, DESTROY all the earth you possibly can as long as you get money. Wind, solar, electric cars–all the tools of destruction of the earth. The hatred is incredible. It drips from the lips of the merchants of death–the wind, solar and renewable industries, the lying “environmentalists” and the outright grifters who will say anything to get more money. Earth Day is all about the death of humanity and the planet by those who lied about wanting to save it. So, celebrate before you’re dead from the “concern and caring” of the evil oligarchs, crony capitalism and outright liars who simply hate you and love money.

Filling the land fill with turbine parts and burying them


Pillaging and plundering where there are few if any environmental protections because the company makes more MONEY that way. Who cares what is destroyed in the process?????

These are SKYSCRAPERS, NOT OPEN SPACE. Only a fool believes there is a difference.


Greetings from Turbine Hell

If you LOVE killing wildlife, destroying open spaces and make the rich, evil twits richer by screwing you over, Wyoming will be heaven to you. The latest destruction is in the south, where local residents waited way too long to object and will get the turbines, just like the millionaire homes near Cheyenne that have a view of turbines. Never say Wyomingites are not gullible fools. For a few bucks, they LOVE miles of spinning turbines in their sights and dead wildlife and destroyed open spaces. What good is a bunch of open space if you can’t make millions off of it and destroy it? Come on, ALL people hate open space and always have. Pave over the whole earth and kill all the animals and trees. It’s the human way.

YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT ABOUT ENERGY, SAVING THE PLANET OR ANY SUCH THING. It is about a gold rush, one the government, who also HATES THE ENVIRONMENT, THE EARTH, HUMANS and everything except themselves, funds and encourages. With “I want you all living in Hell Joe” in office, expect the destruction of the planet to accelerate at warp speed. First, GREEDY WYOMING will destroy every sage grouse, horned lizard, pronghorn, whatever it takes, to kiss up to Joe and make a buck or two. Understand, Wyoming will sell themselves to the highest bidder even it’s only a buck. Wyoming is a cheap whore.

In this gold rush, only the RICH get richer. The little guy gets to freeze to death and/or starve. Maybe Hunger Games, if we are lucky. They want a war. That requires more turbines and they LOVE MONEY and therefore the government gold of handouts. Crazy Joe could care less about anything and just signs what he’s told to.

Much like the Robinhood fiasco messed with the rich and their game, THIS IS THE RICH’S INCOME LINE and if you get in the way, you’re toast. Like the first gold rush, where they destroyed the landscapes, poisoned the landscape and killed each other looking for the shiney stuff. The RICH will destroy whoever gets in their way. YOU WILL SUBMIT and live with the towers of death. You have no choice.

Extinction of species will figure largely, as will land destruction. Here in the USA, desert tortoises are killed by “relocation” because someone rich and evil hates the tortoises. So they die. Gila monsters will be next, as will any species that dares try to stop this. To hell with conservation, we are talking MONEY.

There will be the fools that kiss the back sides of wind energy, hoping for some table scraps. These too hate the planet, humans, animals and plants. They love only MONEY. The Six Great Extinction will be ushered in by these HATERS. Best of all, no one will care or stop them. They haven’t since the Evil Grassley began his assault on America with the turbines and the gold and they will not now. Here and there, a group fights. much as Custer did. Before the entire Indian nations showed up on a hill and wipe out those who care, something should have been done. But again, love of kissing the backside of destruction squads was too strong and the land destroyed. Better yet, billions of acres of land in other crappy brown countries was destroyed, including forests, meadows and homes of the people that got in the way. So the damage was not done here and America retains it’s “good” rating, like most evil, tyrannical states do. It’s all lies and deception, but it’s our lies and deceptions and your kids will live in the nightmare. Not that you care at all.

Welcome to Hell 2021.

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The Real Story of Santa

Well, the headlines used by the evil politicians are really over the top this year:

Crazy Dr. Fauci told children around the world not to worry, he had vaccinated Santa Claus.

Cuomo Orders Santa to Wear COVID Mask While Delivering Christmas Presents

Dr. Fauci Says Santa Can’t Give Your Kids COVID, Provides No Evidence

Fauci Says Santa Claus Has ‘Innate Immunity’ And Can’t Spread COVID-19

Michigan Gov. Whitmer has Santa Claus tell kids the importance of following the state’s instructions (and people have thoughts)

Santa’s Home is Melting.  Will we ever bring it back?

These are just some of what I have collected (from The Gateway Pundit, National Geographic, etc). This past year was a bonanza for insane threats about Santa. The treats are contradictory in many cases–immune to Covid, vaccinated, has to wear a mask, etc. The Santa’s home is melting is a gem from Al Gore years ago.

As a public service, I am explaining what really happened to Santa in response to the Al Gore Santa’s home is melting (Seriously, a guy with elves that make toys, flying raindeer and worldwide delivery in 24 hours can’t move from the North Pole???). Since terrifying children about Santa is now mainstream and apparently good, I am not putting a warning on this year as I have in the past. Kids are going to have to toughen up under the new draconian government we are ushering in.

The mayor released a cringeworthy message on TikTok, where he announced that a vet gave Santa’s reindeer clearance in order to enter the state.” Merseyside, UK

So now Santa’s list matter not a wit. All you kiddies get out there and kiss the back side of your mayor and see how much you can suck up to him/her/it because the MAYOR decides if you get gifts or not, along with vet.

Santa was wearing a mask they said. Just stop. Stop. This is supposed to be a fun segment.” (About two dozen or more reports where the “Santa Tracker” was being reported)

Santa was wearing a SCARF. The media too stupid to recognize this. Why do you listen to people that stupid???

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For the West Coast

Seems California has run straight into the reality of Energy from Weather.  Having shut down dirty fossil fuel plants, those clean renewables were going to pick up the slack.  Except the weather did not see fit to follow the plan and wind did not blow as scheduled.  Smoke blocked out the sun, so solar was far less than anticipated.  Then the nasty temperatures spiked and danged if the place didn’t run out of electricity and sweated it out in oven-like homes and offices.  I guess it’s good there was a lockdown or even more stores and public places would have been in the heat and darkness.  That nasty weather just MUST be forced to do as predicted.  It is unacceptable that California is in the dark and sweltering heat.  So, write your congressperson, hold rallies, and stage marches until the weather does as it should and Energy from Weather is a workable idea.  Start today!

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We gave it all away

In the last couple of weeks, we see the proof that one of the “pushes” for renewable energy is DEAD.  “Peak oil”, unless it meant when we reached the level of filling every container, ship, and oil tank out there and still had MORE and MORE coming out of the ground, is nothing but a lie, a scare tactic, a huge show of stupidity by the “educated” folks.  The world is awash in oil.  The price has dropped to a negative value in some markets.  You literally cannot give the stuff away.  THERE IS NO PEAK OIL AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL BE.  This was a LIE, a political lie and a power lie, to cruelly deprive people of their lives and their livelihoods by the overlords.*  It is being used to cause the extinction of species of animals, poison people in Third World countries and destroy the landscape all in the name of GREED.  GREED=GREEN.  Always did, always will.  So in the name of a demonstrable lie, we will stupidly and apathetically allow the destruction of the environment and living standards of billions of people, energy from weather is installed far and wide to fatten the wallets of the already soulless rich.  After watching fools sit in their homes in fear of a virus, I am sure your grandkids are going to live in hell, dark and hungry, because it’s just too tough to fight back.  Well, except maybe in a few states where there are still real Americans fighting their tyrannical governors, but I can’t see that that will be enough.

We live in the Matrix, Wonderland (Yes, that was the White Rabbit you just saw, followed by the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts.  You’re not hallucinating, you just bought the lie hook, line and sinker, kissed reality goodbye and now this is your reality.)  We do so by choice and in complete denial of what it means.  However, Covid 19 has showed us EXACTLY what this stupidity we display will mean and thus far, people sit in their house jails and watch a blank screen (they ran out of Netflix money a month ago).  Domestic violence is up, etc, but the virus……No need for slight of hand.  Just point to an imaginary threat and the people run and stick their heads in the sand.  I’m living in the Soviet Union I was taught about in my youth—only someone moved it here….

So, get ready to exterminate those pesky eagles, owls and bats, be eaten by bugs and mosquitos, living without air conditioning, medical care, and apparently toilet paper.  No problem with getting people to stop eating meat—livestock is being slaughtered and disposed of right now, milk poured out and vegetables plowed under.  It’s UTOPIA!!!  We have reached Nirvana.  Or Hell.  In this case, they look a lot a like.

Sadly, I see no way out of this.  Apathy and stupidity is at such a level, human-created hell is inevitable, the extinction of animals and the death of millions is the only outcome seen.  No miracles, no last minute save.  Am I saying to “give up”?  No, we already did.  Those thousands of money trees slaughtering wildlife and killing Third Worlders are proof thereof.  This is the world we leave to the children people didn’t love enough to protect or save.


Lights, heat, food and clean water.  Sound environmental practices.  No evidence of peak oil anytime in the near future.  Comfortable, modern living.



Intermittant electricity, destruction of wildlife and open spaces, living at an 18th century level and destroying the environment in the third world countries you have manufacturing the parts for your “green” energy

Choose your future and your childrens.


Pandemic, anyone?

I cannot seem to find time to update here.  The Covid insanity is time-consuming, trying to find groceries I need (luckily, I am a plan-ahead person with plenty of non-perishables, but milk, eggs, cheese, etc are a bit difficult.  I do have frozen cheese and eggs.  No frozen milk, though!), and avoiding the MSM drivel.  Much of the time I am struck by how the Covid insanity is so very much like AGW insanity.  There are the models, which are actually waaaayyyy further off than AGW ones (by up to 40 times, in some cases) and it’s so much faster to see how badly the models fail.  Still, people are worried about a freaking virus and figure the apocalypse of CO2 was beat out by said virus and we’re all toast.  Reality is irrelevant.  Fear is all they have.  Worse, we are being literally tormented by the supposedly caring now clearly dictators that run the states.  It’s the biggest ego and power grab I’ve ever seen and worse, people just take it.  I’m positive at this point, CO2 and Covid are absolutely not going to take us out—our own STUPIDITY AND APATHY are.  Hamsters, home watching Netflix and running the treadmill.  Fifty years ago, there would have been protests and no one would have listened.  Not now.  We have lost our humanity.  The good news is, it really doesn’t matter how hot the planet gets, we’ve screwed ourselves.dscn2595


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Wind turbine blade burying:

The hot new topic with so-called “green energy” (meaning useless, wasteful product that enriches only a wealthy few) is blade disposal.  Now, you would think that a “green product” and “eco-friendly” product would not need thousands of acres of landfill space, since that is the total definition of “NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY” (ask all those “zero landfill” braggers out there, like Subaru—makes wind environmental rapists and plunderers by the enviros own standards),  but in this Alice-in-Wonderland crazy society, up is down and good is bad.  It seems if a product has been declared “good”, in truth it can be radioactive, cancer-causing, unearthly wasteful and no one cares.  It can take millions of tons of material, can have excessive waste and pollute third world countries.  Because the White Rabbit says none of this matters so long as it’s harming capitalism while enriching capitalists that made millions off oil and gas and now off the fake energy of turbines and solar panels.  It’s all about the money—KEEPING THE RICH RICH.  Really, you silly little greenies, you can’t see this????  How can you breathe when you’re that stupid????

Now, as for what to do with the blades, since I have little hope people will wake up and fight the wind pillagers.  First, I still maintain shelter for homeless is the best bet.  It would not be hard to come up with designs—I can come up with two or three.  It would not be called housing because the insane government has too many rules on that.  However, shelter could be made and you could also put in plumbing and showers.  It’s not rocket science.  A clever 12 year old could do it.  So why isn’t it happening?  My guess is the wind turbine people and the evil governments in some states (we all know who you are) really don’t give a whit about human beings, prefer people living in filth and don’t have any intention of helping anyone other than themselves.  Since the fools keep voting these people in, I must conclude that half the country hates humanity and wants suffering.  (Yes, this does follow—refusal to use a perfectly good idea because it’s not exactly what you want is hatred of humans and lack of caring, especially while your “solutions” are condescending and enslaving.  You saw this in the BP oil spill where if the water wasn’t 100% clean, NO cleaning could happen.  How much do you have to hate humanity to require filthy, oil-coated water and not 75% clean water?  Don’t bother to answer.  We all know how evil this behavior is.)

You could also require the wind industry provide the space to bury the turbines and do it retroactively.  After all, they are the ones saying they are environmentally friendly and all those other falsehoods.  So, call them on it.  Have them bury the blades in between the turbines in places like Wyoming where they already pillaged the prairie with tons of steel, concrete, etc.  Dig up a few more hundred acres and bury your own trash.  Require that rancher or farmer you have a five-digit per turbine deal with to provide landfill space.  Make these people responsible for the lie they told about their product and make them correct the problem with their funds, NOT people who did not ask for and may actually hate the whole mess (as well they should).  Our landfill went up $3 after little miss landfill head told us the money from turbine burials would be soooooo helpful.  So I guess she lied or they were going for $5 per load and having people dump trash in ditches, something the increased cost may still do.  Plus, I don’t bother to recycle—the county obviously LIED about not having enough space, which was why we were to recycle.  I despise people who lie to me and will not cooperate in any way with their lies and idiocy.  So, no more recycling unless it serves MY purposes, not theirs.  I’m tired of the lies and deception of these creatures.



Burying the evidence



Self-shredding blade.  More evironmentally friendly maybe?


Future down

Gov. Gordon jokingly signed an executive order to protect migration corridors for big game.  This after bragging endlessly about destroying habitat far and wide with useless, environmentally damaging wind turbines.  So, money, money, money and stupidity beat wildlife any time.  As do lying people-hating Governors.  Wyoming HATES wildlife and is doing all it can to destroy the open spaces that are home to it.  Another three years of Gordon and we’ll have dead antelope and mule deer everywhere and the sagebrush sea raped and pillaged for the benefit of Warren Buffet and all those earth-hating millionaires and billionaires.  Luckily, few people, too, as the industries are destroyed and people flee the insane state.  What do you expect when you elect a Democrat who puts an R after his name so stupid people fall for his lies??????  He already destroyed the coal industry.

The wind turbines around Medicine Bow are directly in the middle of pronghorn territory and migration corridors used in the winter.   Does that matter?  NO NO NO NO NO NO.  Because MONEY MONEY MONEY.  The antelope count for NOTHING.  The lies of the wind industry just keep coming.  All for MONEY and nothing useful.  Again, just shoot the antelope and be done with those pesky creature and run dozers through the sagebrush sea to destroy sage grouse and horned lizards.  Destroy all of history, burn those stupid towns of the Old West.  This is the New West—just like the Old One actually.  Whatever makes money we do, irrespective of the damage and destruction.  Greed and destruction are who we are.  Should anyone actually tell you Wyoming cares about anything but MONEY, laugh and laugh and laugh.  As I once told a Governor, Wyoming would sell their grandmother to the devil of they could make a buck off it.  They would.

As for the “Wyoming wind” it was 65 MPH gusts this week and all the frigging turbines shut down.  People are complete morons.  (And the English peninsula has been in the dark because they were ignorant and apathetic and didn’t understand this reality, that high wind SHUTS DOWN turbines, and a storm hit.  Same for the unicorn believers in Australia who went dark, who then paid Tesla millions so they could have 20 minutes more lights before it all shut down during the next storm.)  I’m really considering selling extraterrestrial rocks gathered from my yard to fools on the internet.  Considering the average intelligence of humans, I’ll be a millionaire overnight.  Stupidity will kill in the end.

As for any hope in this, millions of brain-dead Californians sat in the dark for days due to high winds and the power company shutting off their power and DID NOTHING.  Just sat like utter lumps.  Any feared large protests never happened.  If millions will sit in the dark for days, we are far too stupid to stop this.  Yes, the AGW cult is destroying your children’s future and most Americans are merrily serving their kids up as live sacrifices to the god Gaia.  That’s what happens when people no longer love their kids and refuse to use the brains God apparently wasted on them.  I pity the future generations, unloved and throw to the dogs.


How to destroy the environment and humanity while making billions for a few

(I have rather given up on presenting rational reasons for opposing wind turbines.  There is a point at which people are so mesmerized and so totally ignorant that it’s a waste of time.  It has been noted the wind industry lies and presents unicorns and is very effective.  The wind lie is NEVER about facts and reality, ever.  Just fuzzy bunnies and pretty clouds…..)


The blight of wind and the hatred therein

There should be no surprises over “pay for play” in the government.  The wind industry is founded on it, lives on stealing from taxpayers and benefits only those who are rich enough to pay. They produce NOTHING except graft, environmental destruction and enrichment of the ruling class.   People look at the destruction and graft day after day, but are too blind or ignorant or apathetic to care.  Yet they have fits about the Clintons.  YOU ARE SUPPORTING graft and corruption when you praise and back the wind industry.  It’s all “pay for play” graft destroying the environment and enriching the rich.  So please don’t tell me you’re angry at the Clintons but not at Charles Grassley, Duke Energy and the entire system of environmental destruction they created and support 100%.  Don’t tell me you care about the environment and back wind, like the lying, cowardly fools do where I live.  These people DESTROY open spaces and are damn proud of it.  Just like the progressives they truly are—not conservatives at all.  I reserve the right to condemn the lies and hypocrisy and to care as little about your children’s futures as you do.  I reserve the right to tell those children YOU destroyed the environment at a level so far beyond a few arsenic-tainted gold mines from the last greed-filled pillaging of the environment, it will not be equaled in decades.  The scale is off the charts on this one.  It actually makes the Clintons look like amateurs and you RINOs are cheering and supporting it.  You do hate the environment as much as the progressives.  They are right on that.  When there’s unlimited tax money for the thieving and buying votes with it from your constituents, you’re right up there with the Clintons, the Bidens, all of them.  So, I laugh when I hear your lies and consider how stupid you are and how much you hate America and its people.  Nothing says hatred like a giant, graft supporting, total environment-destroying wind turbine.  You will never have the respect of anyone who cares about the environment or opposes graft, but you will be loved by the haters of America and humanity.

When I worked in seismic processing, one of the guys had worked overseas.   He said they routinely paid graft to the docks, the governments, etc in countries where he worked.  He’s dead now, never having seen America become the countries he worked in, full of graft and corruption.  We are those we claim to hate.  We hate who we are, most definitely.  Trump can improve the economy, but he cannot fix the hatred, power-hungry elite that will devour us at the first opportunity while we gaze like idiots out the window at the wind turbines sitting motionless in the wind.  You can’t make people great who WILL NOT THINK and WILL NOT FIGHT BACK.  They are nothing but fodder for the dictators of the future.  That is their entire purpose and value.

It is 100% a LIE to say you don’t believe in climate change and then build wind plants.  Anshutz LIES LIES LIES all the time about this.  Or he’s just an evil greedy nature-hating billionaire who despises humanity.  Take your pick.  No one who backs wind energy cares about anything but money.  They hate nature, humans and the future.  They want poverty, extinctions, and to industrialize the planet.  They hate open spaces.  Yes, they are pure hatred and greed.  There are no redeeming parts to wind—zip, zero, zilch.  It is more evil than any deliberate killing of a species, burning the Amazon to the ground, any of it.  I cannot emphasize the magnitude of the destruction this is bringing.  THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of towers over what was open prairie.  To hell with sage grouse, horned lizards and best of all, open spaces and human beings.  It’s a magnitude of hatred that is mind-boggling.  One supposes that since the excuse for this greed and destruction (global warming scam) was an evil lie, it follows that the fruits of it are wrong and humanity-destroying.  You cannot be for wind and care at all about humanity, nature or the planet.  

For those of you who think this is “over the top”, I’m sure you’d have made a lovely disciple of any dictator in the past or present.   All great societies fall due to apathy and idiocy.  This is real and you can bury your head in the sand (Extinction Rebellion does that, so join those violent, people-hating protestors, as they are on your side—destroy capitalism and the environment), but reality does not care.  It crushes just as fast if you believe or you don’t.  If you disagree, explain, IN FULL with the data and math, why.  Otherwise, shut up and crawl in a hole.  You’re screaming and wailing is just pathetic and you’re embarrassing yourself.  (Note: Feel free to show the math for the graft and environmental destruction if you want.  It’s an equal opportunity blog.)

Note:  I have NEVER had an explanation from the graft and destruction side, so my guess is, I am 200% correct and everyone knows it but buries their heads in the sand so they don’t have to see.





Speed Star 1.1453372  00


Speed Star 1.1596325  00



We sooooo hate nature, we had to destroy as much as we could, and we got RICH RICH RICH in the process with YOUR money!!!


Wandering Words


“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. - J Robert Oppenheimer.